MEASURING AND DOSING SYSTEMSBir çok kimyasalı dozajlanabilecek malzeme seçeneğine sahip bu pompalar on - off, zaman, 4-20 mA sinyali ve kumandalı olmak üzere her türlü otomasyona uygun konfigürasyonla da temin edilebilir. Motor-driven pumps, as the name suggests, are positive displacement pumps that operate on the principle that a diaphragm that moves with the help of an electric motor creates pressure and vacuum alternately. In solenoid type pumps, the diaphragm movement is provided by the electromagnetic field created on a winding, not by an electric motor, unlike motor-driven pumps.
These pumps, which have material options for dosing many chemicals, can also be supplied with any automation configuration, including on-off, time, 4-20 mA signal and remote control.
- Su & Atık Su Arıtma Tesisleri Water & Waste Water Treatment Plants
- Kimya Sektörü Chemical Industry
- Petro Kimya Sektörü Petrochemical Industry
- Endüstriyel Tesisler Industrial Facilities
- Gıda Sektörü Food industry
- Maden Sektörü Mining Industry
- Enerji Tesisleri Energy Facilities
- Tekstil Sektörü Textile Industry
- Hassas dozlamanın önemli olduğu diğer tüm uygulamalar All other applications where precise dosing is important